Thursday, March 3, 2011

Sliding Closet Door Vancouver

Aroma Zone

Toc toc can I benefit?
been months since I write lists of things I would try to AZ and are months that I write here and there I am going to make the order, but I can never make up my mind xD
Since I did not really have the time to put spignatti to do "serious" (creams & co.) olietti thought to stock up on various forms and butter for face / hair and various scrub (both for me - hair, skin and fat) for my mom (dry hair, damaged by treatments, exhausted, etc. etc.).
dispiarebbe But I do not try to make things "simple" (in quotes) as a tonic, a lip balm or soap ...

  • avocado oil (berlingot)
  • sesame oil (see the first stores)
  • apricot oil (berlingot)
  • coconut oil (see the first stores, I'd use it primarily as a makeup remover)
  • oil strawberry (berlingot)
  • macerated vanilla bio -> this example. I do not remember why I put it o_O
  • mango butter cocoa butter (see the first stores)
  • shea butter (see the first stores)
  • fitocheratina
  • wheat germ oil (see first stores)
  • hydrolat chamomile (to be used as a tonic, sensitive skin)
  • aloe vera gel (see balances, to be mixed with oil to use as a body moisturizer, see -> The Tunnel of Joan I gave the inspiration)
  • washing base (try to Ecor, I'd use it as a cleansing hands and body at the family level)
  • neutral henna henna
  • light brown coconut pulp -> to body scrub (try coconut flour to the super / shop bio)
  • pink clay, white clay
  • cosgard preservative (by adding lactic acid, soda and litmus paper)
  • oe lemon, orange, coffee, rosemary, birch, bergamot, spearmint, grapefruit, fragonia (alternative to tea tree), vanilla, ylang-ylang
  • empty
  • oil dispensers in large format
  • strawberry seeds -> seems good to scrub
  • coffre door coffre natural soaps or oils (to evaluate simple soda, olive oil or rice, castor)
  • vitamin E
  • beeswax
  • solubol
  • argan oil and musk rose oil
  • jojoba oil (I'm considering to buy back one of Provence with which I found very well)
What do you say? Is there any "must-haves" to be added or discouraged?

ps. I have added notes and other products I've suggested to the list ^ _ ^


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