Saturday, February 19, 2011

Table Top Cable Box Holder

Makeup for the evening, the blue version!

Hello girls! Yesterday while waiting for my boyfriend to come and get me to go shopping makeupposo (I'll get to soon try the products!), I created a Facebook profile of the blog, if you ask me is the friendship so we can talk more to "close" . Contact is Lisa MondoReview, I created the group because I did not want more fb, crashed, I do not know why!!
However today I would like to offer this makeup in shades of blue, I hope you like it, unfortunately I'm too shy to make a video, would end up not being able to talk! However, the makeup I do not elaborate, so I hope the photos go well!
Here's the trick that I chose for the evening =) I used a palette of 120 colors Fraulein 38, in particular, I used the palette B reviewed here!
Here's how:
After applying the eye base, on the upper eyelid have spread this blue that if you follow my review of the palette is the P10!

Then I used This beige in the crease of the eye that is the H2 Palette A palette And the M8 B!

Finally I applied this is also white palette is A and B. In A is the H1, the palette is the B M7!

This is not a particularly flashy trick, so I did not use the mascara but only the blue pencil eyeliner from Avon and as both internal rhyme in the eye.
I hope you enjoyed my proposal, due in a total black makeup!
A kiss to all and good weekend, Lisa!


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