Monday, February 28, 2011

[pros And Cons About Angioprimby Dr A Weil

Madame Cosmetics Pigments

Hi guys, forgive absence:)
Last night a very nice girl, Elena, he asked if Madame pigments Cosmetics reviewed here could be wet. I honestly, as you know, I have rejected because I do not know and I did not use the question whether they could be wet, so when I saw the effect that form the wet so I stayed OO, are fabulous !!!!!
So thank Helen of asking me because otherwise I would have kept them in the little box without using!!
She asked me to swatch, so here's the pink pigment
And here is his normal application and the application with the fix plus, both applied with a brush
Then, the application with the brush is almost impossible to see, so I post in the other I used a finger to do the swatch with the fix plus ... you get a nice bright pink very nice!
Let the purple
Violka This was the real revelation because the wet is really wonderful!

I hope has been helpful and especially to Elena, a big kiss girls:))


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