Monday, December 21, 2009

Daughter Does Not Invite Mother To Her Wedding


By the end of the year 2009, this blog has come to an end. The ship is in port. But
remain memorable was a great experience, which I owe to my daughter Sabrina, more than any other person, discovery, and thank you for it.
I do not stray more in the future, in the same way, at a location different, because then it becomes a way of being, how to get out on the street with the right clothes, go to a concert or a conference and so on. About
I discovered that my way of expressing myself is HEURISTIC , because I discovered the meaning of this word. I'm happy (both claimed by the discovery that).
But this has nothing to do.
fact is, probably, one more proof that this blog has now told her, said that until now everything was in my head saying, the ship can go to disarmament.
I printed all the posts on this blog and index the final would be enough to bind everything to bring out an interesting book. It is said that sooner or later do not do it ... well I guess I definitely will! The final act of destruction - in the memory board.
From next year, in conjunction with my re-training lawyers who changed from predominantly a predominantly literary [The poem has nothing to do. It 's another thing. It can be a poet (based artists say) even by lawyer, tailor, stuffed chairs or other] will be my new blog ANLILUCL (Anna - Liam - Luca - Clara) http://www.anlilucl. /
I hope that does the same pleasant, and still sharp and lively, this path.
Stam to see '. See you on the new blog.


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