Monday, December 21, 2009

Daughter Does Not Invite Mother To Her Wedding


By the end of the year 2009, this blog has come to an end. The ship is in port. But
remain memorable was a great experience, which I owe to my daughter Sabrina, more than any other person, discovery, and thank you for it.
I do not stray more in the future, in the same way, at a location different, because then it becomes a way of being, how to get out on the street with the right clothes, go to a concert or a conference and so on. About
I discovered that my way of expressing myself is HEURISTIC , because I discovered the meaning of this word. I'm happy (both claimed by the discovery that).
But this has nothing to do.
fact is, probably, one more proof that this blog has now told her, said that until now everything was in my head saying, the ship can go to disarmament.
I printed all the posts on this blog and index the final would be enough to bind everything to bring out an interesting book. It is said that sooner or later do not do it ... well I guess I definitely will! The final act of destruction - in the memory board.
From next year, in conjunction with my re-training lawyers who changed from predominantly a predominantly literary [The poem has nothing to do. It 's another thing. It can be a poet (based artists say) even by lawyer, tailor, stuffed chairs or other] will be my new blog ANLILUCL (Anna - Liam - Luca - Clara) http://www.anlilucl. /
I hope that does the same pleasant, and still sharp and lively, this path.
Stam to see '. See you on the new blog.

Friday, December 18, 2009

Symptoms Stiff Neck Difficult To Swallow

2009 - 2010 let's take a little '

a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Knitting Pattern For Jester Hat


Example of State Latin works:
Napoleon III in 1857 decided to award the 405 000 soldiers still living veterans of the Napoleonic campaigns, to any nation they belonged (French, Belgian, Danish, Irish, Italians, including the valiant Peter Bartholomew ISOLABELLA etc..) giving them a new award as a sign that the state pays attention to those who have served or still serve him, and is close to them and grateful:
the medal of St. Helena with a certificate on which, among other things so very poetic, it is written

Napoléon I er à ses Compagnons de sa gloire Derniere pensee.
Ste Hélène 5 MAI 1821

Example of State Latin does not work:
September 9, 1943 - Victor Emmanuel III and Badoglio fled from Pescara ma.llo at a time of Brindisi, leaving Italians in disarray, in despair and chaos.
A sign that, for several times in subsequent events, to this day, that the State, after all, if they fuck the people.
On the other hand, however, even claims, in practice, absolute fidelity.

Monday, December 14, 2009

Battery Cat Drinking Fountain

We are better than the other

banner of "we are better than the other" here is the bleak panorama of Italian political life, public life, cultural life, of social life and morality, justice, information, civic sense.
How will it end?

FIRST TIME - "poem Italy" at this point in - visual poems - Ed Libroitaliano World DUBROVNIK 2007 - ISBN 978-88-7865-494-5
LATER - "the values \u200b\u200bof Italy" in poems - DVD plus book Liguoro Dalila - Ed.ISMECA Bologna 2008 - ISBN 978-88-89668-60-3
THIRD TIME - soon in bookstores EUREKA

Hello everyone

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Who Is In Camp Barrett Correctional

right or wrong it's my country

The act of aggression to the head of Italian government Silvio Berlusconi is absolutely criminal, irresponsible and absurd.
On this point there is nothing to add.
Justice, it is hoped, will regularly run its course.
Italians have to be added to this and other lessons in the way of blows suffered in a greater awareness of civil and, hopefully, will soon be reached.
Chairman of the Board warmest wishes for a speedy recovery.

Saturday, December 12, 2009

Where Can I Find Customized Pinnies


Attorney General at the Court of Cassation and the first President of the Supreme Court are not Vitaliano Esposito and Vincenzo Carbone.
Attorney General is Gaspare Spatuzza and President of the Supreme Court? Damn ... Philip gravity! Not later than yesterday held in suspended millennia of legal culture, the Ulpian, Gaius and the Papiniano, to say nothing of Justinian, the great jurists of the Forum Principles and contemporary, the entire Italian legal system, linked to the thread of his "yes" or "no".
And he noticed it. Viewers who watched television coverage of the hearing will have noticed that there was a moment of suspense before he gave the now infamous response.
Uuuuh ... that sigh of relief!
Luckily, the Italian press keep us updated.
And the good detective who happened to? Good detective
were those who were once good investigations.
stuff of yesteryear. All passed out of fashion. But
there is nothing to be shocked. It 'a matter of slogans.
Once the slogans were: professional awareness, satisfaction in the pursuit of solving a case, preparation, update links, career, why not!
The buzzwords today are: little work, a lot of television, to feed the audience what it wants, maximum effect achievable with minimum effort, the eye of quail in politics or jump, gained a reputation, publishing willing to publish scoops, memoirs, biographies and more.
And the slogans are watchwords by golly!

Friday, December 11, 2009

Peeing Alot Pressure In Abdomen

CASE HISTORY: "Dove" for example

wave Born the cry of pain "Tortora never a case in Italy, since he is running (so to speak) the new code of criminal procedure, in Italy there is no longer a case Tortora. There are at least 500,000 ... the right and wrong ... that is not guilty and thrown into jail criminals left at liberty.
Someone will do something sooner or later?

Reception Table Top Ideas



Ennio Di Francesco
Sandro Teti Editore
with witnesses by Norberto Bobbio and Gino Giugni

not miss

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Hor Dourves Wedding Recption


* things to do in library book

the new novel by Alberto Liguoro, you will receive it in two or three days, referring to the code
ISBN 978-88-517 - 1559-5.
or you can request an e-mail
It 's like a spaceship to space / time between several meteorites, your dreams, your nightmares, your reality, your fears and your hopes, do not forget to book your place in the cockpit.